$200 Dining Dollars
  • Can only be purchased if another meal plan has been in place in the current term.
  • $200 Dining Dollars
  • SAVE $20 when you purchase!
  • Add this plan to your student account by signing up in the Residential Living Office.
The $200 Dining Dollar add-on meal plan gives you $200 Dining Dollars to use for the entire semester at our All-You-Care to eat dining hall and any of our retail restaurants (Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A, P.O.D. Market, Pony Express Burrito, Which Which, 1910 Grill and the Buff Stop).

This plan is only available as an add-on if you have purchased a different meal plan option. Dining Dollars are accessed via your student ID, the Buff Gold card. To purchase this meal plan add-on, visit the Residential Living Office.

Please note that the $200 Dining Dollar meal plan does not meet meal plan requirements and is only available if another meal plan has been purchased.